The Art of Insubordination
How to Dissent and Defy Effectively
Next Big Idea Club Books We Can’t Wait to Read in 2022
Behavioral Scientist’s List of Best Summer Reads
Based on cutting-edge research, The Art of Insubordination is the essential guidebook for anyone seeking to be heard, make change, and rebel against an unhealthy, stagnant status quo. The book also gives the rest of us the evidence-based strategies we need to become better allies to our leaders in change, ensuring that the best ideas, products, and solutions survive and win the day.
Filled with fresh and engaging stories about dissenters in the trenches as well as science that will make you see the world through a new lens, this book is action-oriented, forward-thinking, and brings insubordination into the light.
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The Upside of Your Darkside
Why Being Your Whole Self–Not Just Your “Good” Self–Drives Success and Fulfillment
Happiness experts have long told us to tune out our negative emotions and focus instead on mindfulness, positivity, and optimism. Researchers Todd Kashdan, Ph.D., and Robert Biswas-Diener, Dr. Philos., disagree. Positive emotions alone are not enough. Anger makes us creative, selfishness makes us brave, and guilt is a powerful motivator. The real key to success lies in emotional agility. Drawing upon extensive scientific research and a wide array of real-life examples, The Upside of Your Dark Side will be embraced by business leaders, parents, and everyone else who’s ready to put their entire psychological toolkit to work.
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Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life
In Curious? Dr. Todd Kashdan offers a profound new message missing from so many books on happiness: the greatest opportunities for joy, purpose, and personal growth don’t in fact happen when we’re searching for happiness. They happen when we are mindful, when we explore what’s novel, when we live in the moment, when we are open to new experiences and relish the unknown.
Using science, story, and practical exercises, Dr. Kashdan offers a blueprint for building lasting, meaningful relationships, improving health, increasing creativity, and boosting productivity. You, too, can become a “curious explorer” comfortable with risk and challenge, capable of functioning optimally in an unstable, unpredictable world.
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Designing Positive Psychology
Taking Stock and Moving Forward
Positive psychology exploded into public consciousness 10 years ago and has continued to capture attention around the world ever since. The movement promised to study positive human nature using only the most rigorous scientific tools and theories. How well has this promise been fulfilled? This book evaluates the first decade of this fledgling field of study from the perspective of nearly every leading researcher in the field.
Scholars in the areas of social, personality, clinical, biological, emotional, and applied psychology take stock of their fields while bearing in mind the original manifesto and goals of the positive psychology movement. They provide honest, critical evaluations of the flaws and untapped potential of their fields of study. The contributors design the optimal future of positive psychology by addressing gaps, biases, and methodological limitations, and exploring exciting new questions.

Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Positive Psychology
The Seven Foundations of Well-Being
This book focuses on innovative, effective ways of applying science to real-world problems and opportunities. Great inroads have been made in understanding and improving the human condition separately by positive psychology and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) researchers. At the core of ACT, therapists help people make inroads toward meaningful pursuits with a mental state of awareness, openness, and commitment. Our purpose is to bring readers cutting-edge theory, research, and practical applications from positive psychology and ACT. Written by leading scientists and practitioners, this book offers concrete, take-away points and strategies for research, consultation, coaching, and clinical settings.
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