In Press
- *Kashdan, T. B., *McKnight, P.E., Kelso, K., Craig, L., Guenoun, B., & Naughton, C. (in press). Multiple dimensions of workplace curiosity: Evidence of generalizability in nine countries. Personality and Individual Differences * – both are first-authors
- Ginat-Frolich, R., Gilboa-Schechtman, E., Huppert, J. D., Aderka, I. M., Alden, L. E., Bar-Haim, Y., Becker, E.S., Bernstein, A., Geva, R., Heimberg, R.G., Hofmann, S.G., Kashdan, T.B…. & Wieser, M. J. (in press). Vulnerabilities in social anxiety: Integrating intra-and interpersonal perspectives. Clinical Psychology Review, 102415.
- Kashdan, T. B., McKnight, P.E., & Kaufman, J. (in press). The costs of curiosity and creativity: Minimizing the downsides while maximizing the upsides. Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- Kaufman, J., Kashdan, T. B., & McKnight, P.E. (in press). Past glories feel good but creative minorities push us forward. Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- Kashdan, T.B., & Goodman (in press). A unified approach to managing emotions and pursuing purpose in life. Cognition and Emotion
- Lin, S., Ivcevic, Z., Kashdan, T.B., & Kaufman, S.D. (in press). Curious and persistent, but not consistent: Self-regulation traits and creativity. The Journal of Creative Behavior
- Kashdan, T. B., Goodman, F.R., McKnight, P.E., †Brown, B., & †Rum, R. (2024). Purpose in Life: A Resolution on the Definition, Conceptual Model, and Optimal Measurement. American Psychologist, 79, 838-853.
- Kashdan, T.B., Harrison, S.H., Polman, E., & Kark, R. (2024). Curiosity in organizations: Addressing adverse reactions, trade-offs, and multi-level dynamics. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 129, 104274.
- Kaczmarek, L.D., Enko, J., Behnke, M., & Kashdan, T.B. (2024). How curiosity enhances performance: Exploring the mechanisms of physiological engagement, challenge and threat appraisal, and novelty deprivation. Journal of Happiness Studies
- Iasiello, M., Ali, Kathina, van Agteren, J., Kyrios, M., Kashdan, T.B., & Fassnacht, D.B. (2024). What’s the difference between measures of wellbeing, quality of life, resilience, and coping? An umbrella review and concept map of 155 measures of positive mental health. International Journal of Well-Being
- Kashdan, T. B., & Goodman, F.R. (2023). A unified approach to managing emotions and pursuing purpose in life. Cognition and Emotion, 37, 371-377.
- Brockman, R., Ciarrochi, J., Parker, P., & Kashdan, T.B. (2023). Behaving versus thinking positively: When the benefits of cognitive reappraisal are contingent on satisfying basic psychological needs. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
- Goodman, F.R., Birg, J.A., Daniel, K.E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2023). Stress generation in social anxiety and depression: A two-study community assessment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 329, 285-292.
- Rottenberg, J., & Kashdan, T.B., (2022). Well-being after psychopathology: A transformational research agenda. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 31, 280-287.
- Devendorf, A.R., Rum, R.R., Kashdan, T.B., & Rottenberg, J. (2022). Optimal well-being after psychopathology: Prevalence and correlates. Clinical Psychological Science, 10, 981-996.
- Tong, B., Devendorf, A., Panaite, V., Miller, R., Kashdan, T. B., Joiner, T., … & Rottenberg, J. (2022). Future well-being among U.S. youth who attempted suicide and survived. Behavior Therapy, 53, 481-491.
- †Goodman, F. R., †Brown, B.A., †Silva, G., †Bradford, D., Tennen, H., & Kashdan, T.B. (2022). Motives and consequences of alcohol use in people with social anxiety disorder: A daily diary study. Behavior Therapy, 53, 600-613.
- †Doorley, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., Weppner, C., & Glass, C. (2022). The effects of self-compassion on daily emotion regulation and performance rebound among college athletes: Comparisons with confidence, grit, and hope. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 102081
- Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Behnke, M., Dziekan, M., Matuła, E., Kosakowski, M., Enko, J., Guzik, P. (2022). Positive emotions boost enthusiastic responsiveness to capitalization attempts. Dissecting self-report, physiology, and behavior. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 81-99.
- Kaczmarek, L. D., †Kelso, K., Behnke, M., Kashdan, T.B., Dziekan, M., Matuła, E., Kosakowski, M., Enko, J., & Guzik, P. (2022). Give and take: The role of reciprocity in capitalization. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17, 561-572.
- Panaite, V., Yoon, S., Devendorf, A.R., Kashdan, T.B., Goodman, F.R., & Rottenberg, J. (2022). Do positive events and emotions offset the difficulties of stressful life events? A daily diary investigation of depressed adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 186, 111379
- Kashdan, T.B., †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., & McKnight, P.E. (in press). The Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale Revised (5DCR): Briefer subscales while separating overt and covert social curiosity. Personality and Individual Differences
- Kashdan, T.B., †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., McKnight, P.E., †Kelso, K., & Naughton, C. (in press). Curiosity has comprehensive benefits in the workplace: Developing and validating a multidimensional workplace curiosity scale in United States and German employees. Personality and Individual Differences
- Kashdan, T.B., McKnight, P.E., & †Goodman, F.R. (2021). Evolving positive psychology: A blueprint of uncharted territory in the study of purpose in life, psychological strengths, and resilience. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17, 210-218.
- †Goodman, F.R., †Kelso, K., Wiernik, B., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Social comparisons and social anxiety in daily life: An experience-sampling approach. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 130, 468-489.
- Panaite, V., Devendorf, A.R., Kashdan, T.B., & Rottenberg, J. (2021). Daily life positive events predict well-being among depressed adults 10 years later. Clinical Psychological Science, 9, 222-235.
- †Brown, B.A., †Goodman, F. R., †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., Armeli, S., & Tennen, H. (2021). Does negative emotion differentiation influence how people choose to regulate their distress after stressful events? A 4-year daily diary study. Emotion, 21, 1000-1012.
- Tong, B., Kashdan, T.B., Rottenberg, J., & Joiner, T.E. (2021). Future well-being among United States youth who attempt suicide and survive: Research recommendations. Behavior Therapy, 52, 1213-1225.
- †Goodman, F. R., Kashdan, T. B., & †Imanogulu, A. (2021). Valuing emotional control in social anxiety disorder: A multi-method study of emotion beliefs and emotion regulation. Emotion, 21, 842-855.
- †Goodman, F. R., †Disabato, D.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Reflections on unspoken and potential solutions for the well-being juggernaut in positive psychology. Journal of Positive Psychology, 16, 831-837.
- †Goodman, F. R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). The most important life goals of people with and without social anxiety disorder: Focusing on emotional interference and uncovering meaning in life. Journal of Positive Psychology, 16, 272-281.
- Goodman, F. R., Rum, R., Silva, G. M., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Are people with social anxiety disorder happier alone? Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 84, 102474
- †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., †Doorley, J.D., †Kelso, K., †Volgenau, K.M., Devendorf, A., & Rottenberg, J. (2021). Optimal well-being in the aftermath of anxiety disorders. A 10-year longitudinal investigation. Journal of Affective Disorders, 291,110-117.
- †Doorley, J.D., †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., Weinstein, J.S., & Schackman, A.J. (2021). The momentary benefits of positive events for individuals with elevated social anxiety. Emotion, 21, 595-606.
- †Doorley, J.D., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Positive and negative emotion regulation in college athletes: Exploring the daily influence of savoring, acceptance, and cognitive Reappraisal. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 45, 598-613.
- Shah, P., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Kashdan, T.B., Harrison, K., Rosenblum, K., Weeks, H.M., Singh, P., & Kaciroti, N. (2021). Daily television exposure, parent conversation during shared television viewing and socioeconomic status: Associations with curiosity at kindergarten. PLOS ONE
- Biswas-Diener, R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Three lessons from Ed Diener. International Journal of Wellbeing, 11(2), 73-76.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., †Doorley, J.D., & McKnight, P.E. (2020). Understanding psychological flexibility: A multimethod exploration of pursuing valued goals despite the presence of distress. Psychological Assessment, 32, 829-850.
- †Doorley, J.D., †Goodman, F.R., †Kelso, K., & Kashdan, T.B. (2020). Psychological flexibility: What we know, what we don’t know, and what we think we know. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14, 1-11.
- Kashdan, T.B., McKnight. P.E., †Disabato, D.J., †Kelso, K., †Lauber, M., & †Goodman, F.R. (2020). Sexual assault: Exploring real-time consequences the next day and in subsequent days. International Journal of Wellbeing, 10, 1-19.
- †Kelso, K., Kashdan, T.B., †Imanogulu, A., & †Ashraf, A. (2020). Meaning in life buffers the impact of experiential avoidance on anxiety. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 16, 192-198.
- †Doorley, J.D., †Volgenau, K.M., †Kelso, K.C., Kashdan, T.B., & Shackman, A.J. (2020). Do people with elevated social anxiety respond differently to digital and face-to-face communications? Two daily diary studies with null effects. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 859-865.
- Rottenberg, J., Devendorf, A.R., Panaite, V., †Disabato, D., & Kashdan, T.B., (2019). Optimal well-being after major depression. Clinical Psychological Science, 7, 621-627.
- †Goodman, F.R., Kashdan, T.B., †Stiksma, M.C., & †Blalock, D.V. (2019). Personal strivings to understand anxiety disorders: Social anxiety as an exemplar. Clinical Psychological Science, 7 ,283-301.
- †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2019). Is grit relevant to well-being and strengths? Evidence across the globe for separating perseverance of effort and consistency of interests. Journal of Personality, 87, 194-211.
- Chopik, W.J., Newton, N.J., Ryan, L.H., Kashdan, T.B., & Jarden, A.J. (2019). Gratitude across the life span: Age differences and links to subjective well-being. Journal of Positive Psychology, 14, 292-302.
- †Doorley, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., †Alexander, L.A., †Blalock, D.V., & McKnight, P.E. (2019). Distress tolerance in romantic relationships: A daily diary exploration with methodological considerations. Motivation and Emotion, 43, 505-516.
- McKay, D., Abramowitz, J., Newman, M.G., Buckner, J.D., Elhai, J.D., Coles, M., Smits, J.A.J., Timpano, K.R., Kashdan, T.B., Badour, C.L., Cougle, J.R., Olatunji, B.O., & Comer, J.S. (2019). What mentors want in doctoral applicants to research intensive labs: Convergent and divergent perspectives. The Behavior Therapist, 42 268-273.
- Biswas-Diener, R., Kushlev, K., Diener, E., Su, R., †Goodman, F.R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2019). Hospitality. International Journal of Wellbeing268-273.
- Rottenberg, J., Devendorf, A.R., Kashdan, T.B., & †Disabato, D. (2018). The curious neglect of high functioning after psychopathology: The case of depression. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13, 549-566.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Stiksma, M.C.,†Disabato, D., McKnight, P.E., Bekier, J., Kaji, J., & Lazarus, R. (2018). The five-dimensional curiosity scale: Capturing the bandwidth of curiosity and identifying four unique subgroups of curious people. Journal of Research in Personality, 73, 130-149. NOTE: download a copy of the measure in MSWord or as a PDF. But email me as we are improving this scale….
- Kashdan, T.B., †Goodman, F.R.,†Milius, C.R., †Stiksma, M., & McKnight, P. (2018). Sexuality leads to boosts in mood and meaning in life with no evidence for the reverse direction: A daily diary investigation. Emotion, 18, 563-576.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Blalock, D.V., †Young, K.C., †Machell, K.A., †Monfort, S.S., McKnight, P.E., & †Ferssizidis, P. (2018). Personality strengths in romantic relationships: Measuring perceptions of benefits and costs and their impact on personal and relational well-being. Psychological Assessment, 30, 241-258.
- †Kashdan, T.B., †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., & Naughton, C. (2018). The five dimensions of curiosity. Harvard Business Review
- Kashdan, T.B. (2018). The mental benefits of vacationing somewhere new. Harvard Business Review
- †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., & Kaufman, S.B. (2018). Measuring well-being: A comparison of subjective well-being and PERMA. Journal of Positive Psychology, 13, 321-332.
- †Goodman, F.R., †Stiksman, M.C., & Kashdan, T.B. (2018). Social anxiety and the quality of everyday social interactions: The moderating effect of alcohol consumption. Behavior Therapy, 49, 373-387.
- †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2018). Integrating psychological strengths under the umbrella of personality science: An illustration of how positive psychology relates to psychopathology. Journal of Positive Psychology, 423-434.
- †Blalock, D., Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2018). High risk, high reward: Daily perceptions of social challenge and performance in social anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 54, 57-64.
- †Young, K., †Machell, K.A., Kashdan, T.B., & †Westwater, M.L. (2018). The cascade of positive events: Does exercise on a given day increase the frequency of additional positive events? Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 299-303.
- Kaczmarek, L.D., Behnke, M., Kashdan, T.B., Kusiak, A., Marzec, K., Mistrzak, M., & Wlodarczyk, M. (2018). Smile intensity in social networking profile photographs is related to greater scientific achievements. Journal of Positive Psychology, 13, 435-439.
- †Blalock, D.V., McKnight, P.E., Kashdan, T.B., & †Franz, S.C. (2018). Predicting treatment course and outcome using a promotion and prevention framework in a community sample of arthritis sufferers. Patient Preference and Adherence, 12, 981-991.
- †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., & †Machell, K.A. (2017). Personality strengths as resilience: A one-year multi-wave study. Journal of Personality, 85, 423-434.
- Ciarrochi, J., Sahdra, B.K., Kashdan, T.B., Kiuru, N., & Conigrave, J. (2017). When empathy matters: The role of gender and empathy in close friendships. Journal of Personality, 85, 494-504.
- Jayawickreme, E., Tsukayama, E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Examining the within-person effect of affect on daily life satisfaction. Journal of Research in Personality, 71, 27-32.
- Jayawickreme, E., Tsukayama, E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Examining the effect of affect on life satisfaction judgments: A within-person perspective. Journal of Research in Personality, 68, 32-37.
- Drążkowski, D., Kaczmarek, L.D., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Gratitude pays: A weekly gratitude intervention influences monetary decisions, physiological responses, and emotional experiences during a trust-related social interaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 110, 148-153.
- Boden, M.T., Heinz, A.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Pleasure as an overlooked target of substance use disorder research and treatment. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 9, 113-125.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Doorley, J., †Stiksma, M., & Hertenstein, M. (2017). Discomfort and avoidance of touch: New insights on the emotional deficits of social anxiety. Cognition and Emotion, 8, 1638-1646.
- †Alexander, L.A., McKnight, P.E., †Disabato, D.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). When and how to use multiple informants to improve clinical assessments. Assessment, 39, 669-679.
- †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., Short, J.L., & Jarden, A. (2017). What predicts positive life events that influence the course of depression? A longitudinal examination of gratitude and meaning in life. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 3, 444-458.
- †Campbell, S.B., Renshaw, K.D., Kashdan, T.B., Curby, T.W., & Carter, S.P. (2017). A daily diary study of posttraumatic stress symptoms and romantic partner accommodation. Behavior Therapy, 48, 222-234.
- Brockman, R., Ciarrochi, J., Parker, P., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Emotion regulation strategies in daily life: Mindfulness, cognitive reappraisal, and emotion suppression. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 46, 91-113.
- Riskind, J.H., Sica, C., Bottesi, G., Ghis, M., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Cognitive vulnerabilities in parents as a risk factor for anxiety symptomatology in young adult offspring: An exploration of looming maladaptive styles. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 54, 229-238.
- McKnight, P.E., †Monfort, S.S., Kashdan, T.B., †Blalock, D.V., & †Calton, J. (2016). Anxiety symptoms and functional impairment: A systematic review of the correlation between the two measures. Clinical Psychology Review, 45, 115-130.
- †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., Kashdan, T.B., Short, J.L., & Jarden, A. (2016). Different types of well-being? A cross-cultural examination of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Psychological Assessment, 28, 471-482.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Goodman, F.R., †Mallard, T.T., & DeWall, C.N. (2016). What triggers anger in everyday life? Exploring links to the intensity, control, and regulation of these emotions, as well as personality traits. Journal of Personality, 84, 737-749.
- †Blalock, D.V., Kashdan, T.B., & †Farmer, A. S. (2016). Trait and daily emotion regulation in social anxiety disorder: Differential effects of positive and negative emotion regulation. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 40, 416-425.
- †Machell, K.A., †Disabato, D., & Kashdan, T.B. (2016). Buffering the negative impact of poverty of youth: The power of purpose in life. Social Indicators Research, 126, 845-861.
- †Machell, K.A., †Blalock, D.V., Kashdan, T.B., & Yuen, M. (2016). Academic achievement at the cost of ambition: The mixed results of a supportive, interactive environment on socially anxious teenagers. Personality and Individual Differences, 89, 166-171.
- †DiMauro, J., Renshaw, K.D., & Kashdan, T.B. (2016). Beliefs in negative mood regulation and daily negative affect in PTSD. Personality and Individual Differences, 95, 34-36.
- Van Dusen, J., Tiamiyu, M., Elhai, J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2016). Gratitude, depression and PTSD: Assessment of structural relationships. Psychiatry Research, 89, 867-870.
- Kashdan, T.B., Barrett, L.F., & McKnight, P.E. (2015). Unpacking emotion differentiation: Transforming unpleasant experience by perceiving distinctions in negativity. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24, 10-16.
- Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Companies value curiosity but stifle it anyway. Harvard Business Review
- Kashdan, T.B., Rottenberg, J., †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., & Begovic, E. (2015). Lumping and splitting in the study of meaning in life: Thoughts on surfing, surgery, scents, and sermons. Psychological Inquiry, 26, 336-342.
- †Farmer, A., & Kashdan, T.B., (2015). Stress sensitivity and stress generation in social anxiety disorder: A temporal process approach. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 102-114.
- Sheldon, K.M., Jose, P.E., Kashdan, T.B., & Jarden, A. (2015). Personality, effective goal-striving, and enhanced well-being: Comparing 10 candidate personality strengths. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41, 575-585.
- †Machell, K.A., Kashdan, T.B., Short, J.L., & Nezlek, J.B. (2015). Relationships between meaning in life, social and achievement events, and positive and negative affect in daily life. Journal of Personality, 83, 287-298.
- †Machell, K.A., †Goodman, F.R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Experiential avoidance and well-being: A daily diary analysis. Cognition and Emotion, 29, 351-359.
- †Kleiman, E.M.,Kashdan, T.B., †Monfort, S.S., †Machell, K.A., & †Goodman, F.R. (2015). Perceived responsiveness during an initial social interaction with a stranger predicts a positive memory bias one week later. Cognition and Emotion, 29, 332-341.
- Ciarrochi, J., Heaven, P.C.L., & Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Hope and emotional well-being: A six-year study to distinguish antecedents, correlates, and consequences. Journal of Positive Psychology, 10, 520-532.
- †Afram, A., & Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Coping with rejection concerns in romantic relationships: An experimental investigation of social anxiety and risk regulation rigidity. Journal of Contextual and Behavioral Science, 4, 151-156.
- †Young, K.C., Kashdan, T.B., McKnight, P.E., †Blalock, D.V., Yuen, M., & †Richberg, J. (2015). Happy and unhappy adolescent bullies: Evidence for theoretically meaningful subgroups. Personality and Individual Differences, 75, 224-228.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Young, K.C., & †Machell, K.A. (2015). Positive emotion regulation: Addressing two myths. Current Opinion in Psychology, 3, 117-121.
- Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Drążkowski, D., Enko, J., Kosakowski, M., Szäefer, A., & Bujacz, A. (2015). Why do people prefer gratitude journaling over gratitude letters? The influence of individual differences in motivation and personality on web-based interventions. Personality and Individual Differences, 75, 1-6.
- Kashdan, T.B., †DiMauro, J., †Disabato, D., †Folk, J.B., †Carter, S., & †Goodman, F.R. (2015). Creating clinical psychology graduate courses that lead to peer reviewed publications: A case study. The Behavior Therapist [Download PDF here]
- †Goodman, F.R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Behind the scenes of clinical research: Lessons from a mindfulness intervention with student-athletes.The Behavior Therapist, 38, 157-159.
- Kashdan, T.B.,†Adams, L., †Farmer, A., †Ferssizidis, P., McKnight, P.E., & Nezlek, J.B. (2014). Sexual healing: Daily diary investigation of the benefits of intimate and pleasurable sexual activity in socially anxious adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 1417-1429.
- †Farmer, A., & Kashdan, T.B., (2014). Affective and self-esteem instability in the daily lives of people with generalized social anxiety disorder. Clinical Psychological Science, 2, 187-201.
- Kashdan, T.B.,†Yarbro, J., McKnight, P.E., & Nezlek, J.B. (2014). Laughter with someone else leads to future social rewards: Temporal change using experience sampling methodology. Personality and Individual Differences, 58, 15-19.
- Kashdan, T.B., Dewall, C.N., Schurtz, D.R., Deckman, T., Lykins, E.L.B., Evans, D.R., McKenzie, J., Segerstrom, S.C., Gailliot, M.T., & Brown, K.W. (2014). More than words: Contemplating death enhances positive emotional word use. Personality and Individual Differences, 71, 171-175.
- †Goodman, F.R.,Kashdan, T.B., †Mallard, T.T., & Schumann, M. (2014). A Brief mindfulness and yoga intervention with an entire NCAA Division I Athletic Team: A pilot study. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1, 339-356.
- Huffman, J.C., DuBois, C.M., Healy, B.C., Boehm, J.K., Kashdan, T.B.,, Celano, C.M., Denninger, J.W., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2014). Feasibility and impact of positive psychology exercises for suicidal inpatients. General Hospital Psychiatry, 36, 88-94.
- †DiMauro, J., †Carter, S., †Folk, J.B., & Kashdan, T.B. (2014). A historical review of trauma-related diagnoses to reconsider the heterogeneity of PTSD. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28, 774-786.
- †Monfort, S.S., Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Drążkowski, D., Kosakowski, M., Guzik, P., Krauze, T., & Gracanin, A. (2014). Capitalizing on the success of romantic partners: A laboratory investigation on subjective, facial, and physiological emotional processing. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 149-153.
- Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Drążkowski, D., Połatyńska, K., Bujacz, A., & †Goodman, F.R. (2014). Why do greater curiosity and fewer depressive symptoms predict gratitude intervention use? Utility beliefs, social norm, and self-control beliefs. Personality and Individual Differences, 66, 165-170.
- Kaczmarek, L.D., †Goodman, F.R., Drążkowski, D., Kashdan, T.B., Połatyńska, K., & Komorek, J. (2014). Instructional support decreases desirability and initiation of a gratitude intervention. Personality and Individual Differences, 64, 89-93.
- †Young, K.C., Kashdan, T.B., & Macatee, R. (2014). Strength balance and implicit strength measurement: New considerations for research on strengths of character. Journal of Positive Psychology, 10, 17-24.
- †Blalock, D.V., †Calton, J.M., & Kashdan, T.B. (2014). Understanding post-traumatic growth by attending to contextual influences, and developing wise interventions to promote it. European Journal of Personality, 28, 333-334.
- Schueller, S.M., Parks, A.C.., & Kashdan, T.B. (2014). Synthesizing positive psychological interventions: Suggestions for conducting meta-analyses and how to interpret them. International Journal of Wellbeing, 4 (1)
- †Adams, L.M., Stuewig, J.B., Tangney, J.P., & Kashdan, T.B. (2014). Perceived susceptibility to AIDS predicts subsequent HIV risk: A longitudinal evaluation of jail inmates. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37, 511-523.
- Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2013). Commitment to a purpose in life: An antidote to the suffering by individuals with social anxiety disorder. Emotion, 13, 1150-1159.
- Kashdan, T.B.,†Ferssizidis, P., †Farmer, A., †Adams, L., & McKnight, P.E. (2013). Failure to capitalize on sharing good news with romantic partners: Exploring positivity deficits of socially anxious people with self-reports, partner-reports, and behavioral observations. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51, 656-668.
- Kashdan, T.B.,†Adams, L., †Kleiman, E., Pelham, W.E. & Lang, A.R. (2013). Stress-induced drinking in parents of boys with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder: Heterogeneous groups in an experimental study of adult-child interactions. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41, 919-927.
- Kashdan, T.B., Sherman, R.A., †Yarbro, J., & Funder, D.C. (2013). How are curious people viewed and how do they behave in social situations? From the perspectives of self, friends, parents, and unacquainted observers. Journal of Personality, 81, 142-154.
Supplemental Table 1: College Informant Rated Correlates of Curiosity
Supplemental Table 2: Behavioral Correlates of Curiosity by Multiple Informants
Supplemental Table 3: Self Rated Correlates of Curiosity
Supplemental Table 4: Two Experts Predicted Behavioral Correlates of Curiosity
- Kashdan, T.B., Dewall, C.N., Pond, R.S., Silvia, P.J., Lambert, N.M., Fincham, F.D., †Savostyanova, A.A., & Keller, P.S. (2013). Curiosity protects against interpersonal aggression: Cross-sectional, daily process, and behavioral evidence. Journal of Personality, 81, 87-102.
- †Kleiman, E.M., †Adams, L.M., Kashdan, T.B., & Riskind, J.H. (2013). Grit and gratitude indirectly reduce risk of suicidal ideations by enhancing meaning in life: Evidence for a mediated moderation model. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 539-546.
- Steger, M.F., & Kashdan, T.B. (2013). The unbearable lightness of meaning: Well-being and unstable meaning in life. Journal of Positive Psychology, 8, 103-115.
- *Kaczmarek, L.D.,*Kashdan, T.B.,†Kleiman, E.M., Mickiewicz, A., Baczkowski, B., Enko, J., Sievers, A., Szaefer, A., Krol, M., & Baran, B. (2013). Who self-initiates gratitude interventions in daily life? An examination of intentions, curiosity, and unhappiness. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 805-810. *- equal contribution
- †Kleiman, E.M., †Adams, L.M., Kashdan, T.B., & Riskind, J.H. (2013). Grateful individuals are not suicidal: Buffering the risk of hopelessness and depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 595-599.
- †Yarbro, J., Mahaffey, B., Abramowitz, J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2013). Recollections of parent-child relationships, attachment insecurity, and obsessive-compulsive beliefs. Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 355-360.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Nezlek, J.B. (2012). Whether, when, and how is spirituality related to well-being? Moving beyond single occasion questionnaires to understanding daily process. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1526-1538.
- Pond, R.S., Jr., Kashdan, T.B., DeWall, C.N., †Savostyanova, A.A. Lambert, N.M., & Fincham, F.D. (2012). Emotion differentiation buffers aggressive behavior in angered people: A daily diary analysis. Emotion, 12, 326-337.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Young, K.C. & McKnight, P.E. (2012). When is rumination an adaptive mood repair strategy? Day-to-day rhythms of life in combat veterans with and without posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 762-768.
- DeWall, C.N., Lambert, N.M., Pond, R.S., Jr., Kashdan, T.B., & Fincham, F.D. (2012). A grateful heart is a non-violent heart: Cross-sectional, experience sampling, longitudinal, and experimental evidence. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3, 232-240.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Adams, L., Read, J., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2012). Can a one-hour session of exposure treatment modulate startle response and reduce spider fears? Psychiatry Research, 196, 79-82.
- Boden, M.T., Bonn-Miller, M.O., Kashdan, T.B., Alvarez, J., & Gross, J.J. (2012). The interactive effects of emotional clarity and cognitive reappraisal in posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 233-238.
- Kashdan, T.B. (2012). Reconsidering the neuroevolutionary framework of the SEEKING System: Emphasizing context instead of positivity. Neuropsychoanalysis, 14, 46-50.
- †Farmer, A.S., & Kashdan, T.B. (2012). Social anxiety and emotion regulation in daily life: Spillover effects on positive and negative social events. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 41, 152-162. [Special Issue on Positivity Deficits in Social Anxiety Disorder]
- Dubois, C.M., Nyer, M.B., Kashdan, T.B., Beach, S.R., Park, E.R., Celano, C.M., & Huffman, J.C. (2012). Positive psychological attributes and cardiac outcomes: Associations, mechanisms, and interventions. Psychosomatics, 53, 303-318
- Kashdan, T.B., Weeks, J.W., & †Savostyanova, A.A. (2011). Whether, how, and when social anxiety shapes positive experiences and events: A self-regulatory framework and treatment implications. Clinical Psychology Review, 31, 786-799.
- Kashdan, T.B., McKnight, P.E., Fincham, F.D., & Rose, P. (2011). When curiosity breeds intimacy: Taking advantage of intimacy opportunities and transforming boring conversations. Journal of Personality, 79, 1369-1401.
- Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2011). Dynamic, contextual approaches to studying personality in the social world. Journal of Personality, 79, 1177-1190.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Adams, L., †Savostyanova, A.A., †Ferssizidis, P., McKnight, P.E., & Nezlek, J.B. (2011). Effects of social anxiety and depressive symptoms on the frequency and quality of sexual activity: A daily process approach. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 352-360.
- Biswas-Diener, R., Kashdan, T.B., & Minhas, G. (2011). A dynamic approach to psychological strength development and intervention. Journal of Positive Psychology, 6, 106-118.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2011). Comorbid social anxiety disorder in clients with depressive disorders: Predicting changes in depressive symptoms, therapeutic relationships, and focus of attention in group treatment. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 875-884.
- *Kashdan, T.B., & †*Savostyanova, A.A. (2011). Capturing the biases of socially anxious people by addressing partner effects and situational parameters. Behavior Therapy, 42, 211-223. *- equal contribution
- Kashdan, T.B., †Afram, A., Brown, K.W., †Birnbeck, M., & †Drvoshanov, M. (2011). Curiosity enhances the role of mindfulness in reducing defensive responses to existential threat. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 1227-1232.
- *Kashdan, T.B., *†Kane, J.Q., & Kecmanovic, J. (2011). Post-traumatic distress and the presence of post-traumatic growth and meaning in life: Experiential avoidance as a moderator. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 84-89. *- equal contribution
- †Breen, W.E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2011). Anger suppression after imagined rejection among individuals with social anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 879-887.
- Wood, A.M., Linley, P.A., Maltby, J., Kashdan, T.B., & Hurling, R. (2011). Using psychological strengths leads to less stress and greater self-esteem, vitality, and positive affect: Longitudinal examination of the strengths use questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 15-19.
- Ciarrochi, J., Kashdan, T.B., Leeson, P., Heaven, P., & Jordon, C. (2011). On being aware and accepting: A one-year longitudinal study into adolescent well-being. Journal of Adolescence, 34, 695-703.
- Haigh, E.A.P., Moore, M.T., Kashdan, T.B., & Fresco, D.M. (2011). Examination of the factor structure and concurrent validity of the Langer Mindfulness/Mindlessness Scale. Assessment, 18, 11-26.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Ferssizidis, P., Collins, R.L., & Muraven, M. (2010). Emotion differentiation as resilience against excessive alcohol use: An ecological momentary assessment in underage social drinkers. Psychological Science, 21, 1341-1347.
- Niemiec, C.P., Brown, K.W., Kashdan, T.B., Cozzolino, P.J., †Breen, W., Levesque, C., & Ryan, R.M. (2010). Being present in the face of existential threat: The role of trait mindfulness in reducing defensive responses to mortality salience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99, 344-365.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Rottenberg, J. (2010). Psychological flexibility as a fundamental aspect of health. Clinical Psychology Review, 30, 865-878.
- Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2010). The darker side of social anxiety: When aggressive impulsivity prevails over shy inhibition. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 47-50.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Breen, W.E., & Julian, T. (2010). Everyday strivings in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: Problems arise when avoidance and emotion regulation dominate. Behavior Therapy, 41, 350-363.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Breen, W.E., †Terhar, D., & †Afram, A. (2010). Experiential avoidance in idiographic, autobiographical memories: Construct validity and links to social anxiety, depressive, and anger symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24, 528-534.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Collins, R.L. (2010). Social anxiety and the experience of positive emotions and anger in everyday life: An ecological momentary assessment approach. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 23, 259-272. [Special Issue: Advances in the Research on Social Anxiety and its Disorder]
- Brdr, I., & Kashdan, T.B. (2010). Character strengths and well-being in Croatia: An empirical investigation of structure and correlates. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 151-154.
- *Hofmann, S.G., & *Kashdan, T.B. (2010). The Affective Style Questionnaire: Development and psychometric properties. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 32, 255-263. *- equal contribution
Translations: German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Serbian, Hindi, and Turkish
- †Breen, W.E., Kashdan, T.B., †Lenser, M.L., & Fincham, F.D. (2010). Gratitude and forgiveness: Convergence and divergence on self-report and informant ratings. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 932-937.
- †Ferssizidis, P., †Adams, L., Kashdan, T.B., †Plummer, C., †Mishra, A., & Ciarrochi, J. (2010). Motivation for and commitment to social values: The roles of age and gender. Motivation and Emotion, 34, 354-362.
- Froh, J. J., Kashdan, T.B., Yurkewicz, C., Fan, J., Glowacki, J., & Allen, J. (2010). The benefits of passion and absorption in activities: Engaged living in adolescents and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Positive Psychology, 5, 311-332.
- McKnight, P.E., Afram, A., Kashdan, T.B., Kasle, S., & Zautra, A. (2010). Coping self-efficacy as a mediator between catastrophizing and physical functioning: Treatment target selection in an osteoarthritis sample. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 33, 239-249.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Mishra, A., †Breen, W.E., & Froh, J.J. (2009). Gender differences in gratitude: Examining appraisals, narratives, the willingness to express emotions, and changes in psychological needs. Journal of Personality, 77, 691-730.
- *McKnight, P.E., & *Kashdan, T.B. (2009). Purpose in life as a system that creates and sustains health and well-being: An integrative, testable theory. Review of General Psychology, 13, 242-251. *- equal contribution
- *Kashdan, T.B., & *McKnight, P.E. (2009). Origins of purpose in life: Refining our understanding of a life well lived. Psychological Topics, 18, 303-316. [Special Issue on Positive Psychology] *- equal contribution
- McKnight, P.E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2009). The importance of functional impairment to mental health outcomes: A case for reassessing our goals in depression treatment research. Clinical Psychology Review, 29, 243-259.
- Silvia, P.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2009). Interesting things and curious people: Exploration and engagement as transient states and enduring strengths. Social Psychology and Personality Compass, 3, 785-797.
- Kashdan, T.B., Gallagher, M.W., Silvia, P.J., Winterstein, B.P., †Breen, W.E., †Terhar, D., & Steger, M.F. (2009). The Curiosity and Exploration Inventory-II: Development, factor structure, and initial psychometrics. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 987-998.
Translations: Spanish, Chinese, Italian, German, Russian, French, Norwegian, Portuguese, Finnish, Persian, Turkish, Dutch, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, and more!
- Steger, M.F., & Kashdan, T.B. (2009). Depression and everyday social activity, belonging, and well-being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56, 289-300.
- *Biswas-Diener, R., *Kashdan, T.B., & King, L.A. (2009). Two traditions of happiness research, not two distinct types of happiness. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 208-211. *- equal contribution
- Kashdan, T.B., Morina, N., & Priebe, S. (2009). Post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, and depression in survivors of the Kosovo War: Experiential avoidance as a contributor to distress and quality of life. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, 185-196.
- Hofmann, S.G., Richey, J.A., Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2009). Anxiety disorders moderate the association between externalizing problems and substance use disorders: Data from the National Comorbidity Survey-Revised. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, 529-534.
- Steger, M.F., Oishi, S., & Kashdan, T.B. (2009). Meaning in life across the life span: Levels and correlates of meaning in life from adolescence to older adulthood. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 43-52.
- Froh, J.J., Kashdan, T.B., Ozimkowski, K.M., & Miller, N. (2009). Who benefits the most from a gratitude intervention in children and adolescents? Examining positive affect as a moderator. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 408-422.
- Froh, J.J., Kashdan, T.B., & Yurkewicz, C. (2009). Gratitude and subjective well-being in early adolescence: Examining mechanisms and gender differences. Journal of Adolescence, 32, 633-650.
- *Kashdan, T.B., *Biswas-Diener, R., & King, L.A. (2008). Reconsidering happiness: The costs of distinguishing between hedonics and eudaimonia. Journal of Positive Psychology, 3, 219-233. *- equal contribution
- Kashdan, T.B., Elhai, J.D., & †Breen, W.E. (2008). Social anxiety and disinhibition: An analysis of curiosity and social rank appraisals, approach-avoidance conflicts, and disruptive risk-taking behavior. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 925-939.
- Kashdan, T.B. & Hofmann, M.F. (2008). The high novelty seeking, impulsive subtype of generalized social anxiety disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 25, 535-541.
- Kashdan, T.B., & †Breen, W.E. (2008). Social anxiety and positive emotions: A prospective examination of a self-regulatory model with tendencies to suppress or express emotions as a moderating variable. Behavior Therapy, 39, 1-12.
- Kashdan, T.B., Zvolensky, M.J., & McLeish, A.C. (2008). Anxiety sensitivity and affect regulatory strategies: Individual and interactive risk factors for anxiety-related symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 429-440.
- Steger, M.F., Kashdan, T.B., Sullivan, B.A., & Lorentz, D. (2008). Understanding the search for meaning in life: Personality, cognitive style, and the dynamic between seeking and experiencing meaning. Journal of Personality, 76, 199-228.
- Steger, M.F., Kashdan, T.B., & Oishi, S. (2008). Being good by doing good: Daily eudaimonic activity and well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 22-42.
- Elhai, J.D., Grubaugh, A.L., Kashdan, T.B., & Frueh, B.C. (2008). Empirical examination of a proposed refinement to posttraumatic stress disorder’s symptom criteria using the National Comorbidity Survey Replication data. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 69, 597-602.
- Naifeh, J.A., Elhai, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., & Grubaugh, A.L. (2008). Posttraumatic stress disorder’s latent structure: An examination of trauma-exposed medical patients using the posttraumatic stress disorder symptom scale. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 1355-1368.
- Collins, R. L. Kashdan, T.B., Koutsky, J. R., Morsheimer, E. T., & Vetter, C. J. (2008). A self-administered timeline followback to measure variations in underage drinkers’ alcohol intake and binge drinking. Addictive Behaviors, 33, 196-200.
- Almeida, L., Kashdan, T.B., Coelho, R., Albino-Teixeira, A., & Soares-da-Silva, P. (2008). Who volunteers for phase I clinical trial studies? Influences of anxiety, social anxiety and depressive symptoms on self-selection and reporting of adverse events. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 64, 575-582.
- Almeida, L., Kashdan, T.B., Coelho, R., Albino-Teixeira, A., & Soares-da-Silva, P. (2008). Healthy subjects volunteering for phase I studies: Influence of curiosity, exploratory tendencies and perceived self-efficacy. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 46, 109-118.
- Kashdan, T.B. (2007). Social anxiety spectrum and diminished positive experiences: Theoretical synthesis and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 27, 348-365.
- Kashdan, T.B. & Steger, M.F. (2007). Curiosity and pathways to well-being and meaning in life: Traits, states, and everyday behaviors. Motivation and Emotion, 31, 159-173.
- Kashdan, T.B. (2007). New perspectives on social anxiety: Addressing the positive spectrum of human functioning. Anxiety Disorders: A Quarterly Report, 4, 1-5.
- Kashdan, T.B. (2007). New developments in emotion regulation with an emphasis on the positive spectrum of human functioning. Journal of Happiness Studies, 8, 303-310. (Special Issue on Emotion Regulation)
- Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2007). Social anxiety, depressive symptoms, and post-event rumination: Affective consequences and social contextual influences. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 21, 284-301.
- Kashdan, T.B., †Volkmann, J., †Breen, W.E., & †Han, S. (2007). Social anxiety and emotion regulation in romantic relationships: The costs and benefits of negative emotion expression are context-dependent. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 21, 475-492.
- Kashdan, T.B. & Yuen, M. (2007). Whether highly curious students thrive academically depends on the learning environment of their school: A study of Hong Kong adolescents. Motivation and Emotion, 31, 260-270.
- Kashdan, T.B., & †Breen, W.E. (2007). Materialism and diminished well-being: Experiential avoidance as a mediating mechanism. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26, 521-539.
- Kashdan, T.B., Elhai, J.D., & Frueh, B.C. (2007). Anhedonia, emotional numbing, and symptom overreporting in male veterans with PTSD. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 725-735.
- Bottonari, K.A., Roberts, J.E., Kelly, M.A.R., Kashdan, T.B., & Ciesla, J.A.. (2007). A prospective investigation of the impact of attachment style on stress generation among clinically depressed individuals. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45, 179-188.
- Steger, M.F., Hicks, B., Kashdan, T.B., Krueger, R.F., Bouchard, T.J., Jr. (2007). Genetic and environmental influences on the positive traits of the Values in Action classification, and biometric covariance with normal personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 524-539.
- Elhai, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., Snyder, J.J., North, T.C., Heaney, C.J., & Frueh, B.C. (2007). Symptom severity and lifetime and prospective health service use among military veterans evaluated for PTSD. Depression and Anxiety, 24, 178-184.
- Steger, M.F., & Kashdan, T.B. (2007). Stability and specificity of meaning in life and life satisfaction over one year. Journal of Happiness Studies, 8, 161-179.
- Elhai, J.D., Gray, M.J., Docherty, A. R., Kashdan, T.B., & Kose, S. (2007). Structural validity of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist among college students with a trauma history. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 22, 1471-1478.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Steger, M. (2006). Expanding the topography of social anxiety: An experience sampling assessment of positive emotions and events, and emotion suppression. Psychological Science, 17, 120-128.
- Kashdan, T.B., Barrios, V., Forsyth, J.P., & Steger, M.F. (2006). Experiential avoidance as a generalized psychological vulnerability: Comparisons with coping and emotion regulation strategies. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 9, 1301-1320.
- Kashdan, T.B., Julian, T., †Merritt , K., & Uswatte, G. (2006). Social anxiety and posttraumatic stress in combat veterans: Relations to well-being and character strengths. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 561-583.
- Kashdan, T.B., Uswatte, G., Steger, M.F., & Julian, T. (2006). Fragile self-esteem and affective instability in posttraumatic stress disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 1609-1619.
- Kashdan, T.B., Frueh, B.C., Knapp, R., Hebert, R., & Magruder, K. (2006). Social anxiety disorder in veterans affairs primary care clinics. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 233-247.
- Kashdan, T.B., Elhai, J.D., & Frueh, B.C. (2006). Anhedonia and emotional numbing in combat veterans with PTSD. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 457-467.
- Kashdan, T.B., Uswatte, G., & Julian, T. (2006). Gratitude and hedonic and eudaimonic well-being in Vietnam War veterans. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 177-199.
- Kashdan, T.B., Collins, R.L., & Elhai, J.D. (2006). Social anxiety, positive outcome expectancies, and risk-taking behavioral intentions. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 30, 749-761.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2006). Affective outcomes and cognitive processes in superficial and intimate interactions: Roles of social anxiety and curiosity. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 140-167.
- Roberts, J.E., Carlos, E.L., & Kashdan, T.B. (2006). The impact of depressive symptoms, self-esteem and neuroticism on trajectories of overgeneral autobiographical memory over repeated trials. Cognition and Emotion, 20, 383-401.
- Bagwell, C.L., Molina, B.S.G., Kashdan, T.B., Pelham, W.E., & Hoza, B. (2006). Anxiety and mood disorders in adolescents with childhood Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 14, 178-187.
- Aron, A., Steele, J., Kashdan, T.B., & Perez, M. (2006). When similars do not attract: Tests of a prediction from the self-expansion model. Personal Relationships, 13, 387-396.
- Elhai, J.D., Jacobs, G.A., Kashdan, T.B., DeJong, G.L., Meyer, D.L., & Frueh, B.C. (2006). Mental health service use among American Red Cross disaster workers responding to the September 11, 2001 U.S. terrorist attacks. Psychiatry Research, 143, 29-34.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Wenzel, A. (2005). A transactional approach to social anxiety and the genesis of interpersonal closeness: Self, partner, and social context. Behavior Therapy, 36, 335-346.
- Elhai, J. D., Gray, M. J., Kashdan, T.B., & Franklin, C.L. (2005). Which instruments are most commonly used to assess traumatic event exposure and posttraumatic effects?: A survey of traumatic stress professionals. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18, 541-545.
- Elhai, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., & Frueh, B.C. (2005). What is a traumatic event? British Journal of Psychiatry, 187, 189-190.
- Frueh, B.C., Elhai, J.D., Grubaugh, A.L., Monnier, J., Kashdan, T.B., Sauvageot, J.A., Hamner, M.B., Burkett, B.G., & Arana, G.W. (2005). Documented combat exposure of veterans seeking treatment for combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, 186, 467-472.
- Kashdan, T.B., Vetter, C., & Collins, R.L. (2005). Substance use in young adults: Associations with personality and gender. Addictive Behaviors, 30, 259-269.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2004). Trait and state curiosity in the genesis of intimacy: Differentiation from related constructs. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 23, 792-816.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2004). Social anxiety’s impact on affect, curiosity, and social self-efficacy during a high self-focus social threat situation. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 28, 119-141.
- Kashdan, T.B. (2004). The neglected relationship between social interaction anxiety and hedonic deficits: Differentiation from depressive symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 18, 719-730.
- Kashdan, T.B., Rose, P., & Fincham, F.D. (2004). Curiosity and exploration: Facilitating positive subjective experiences and personal growth opportunities. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82, 291-305.
- Kashdan, T.B. (2004). The assessment of subjective well-being (issues raised by the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire). Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 1225-1232.
- Kashdan, T.B., Jacob, R.G., Pelham, W.E., Lang, A.R., Hoza, B., Blumenthal, J. D., & Gnagy, E.M. (2004). Depression and anxiety in parents of children with ADHD and varying levels of oppositional-defiant behaviors: Modeling relationships with family functioning. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 33, 169-181.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Steger, M.F. (2004). Approaching psychological science with Kuhn’s eyes. American Psychologist, 59, 272-273.
- Collins, R.L., Kashdan, T.B., & Gollnisch, G. (2003). The feasibility of using cellular phones to collect ecological momentary assessment data: Application to alcohol consumption. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 11, 73-78.
- Fals-Stewart, W., Birchler, G.R., Hoebbel, C., Kashdan, T.B., Golden, J., & Parks, K. (2003). An examination of indirect risk of exposure to HIV among wives of substance-abusing men. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 70, 65-76.
- Kashdan, T.B. (2002). Social anxiety dimensions, neuroticism, and the contours of positive psychological functioning. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 26, 789-810.
- Kashdan, T.B., Pelham, W.E., Lang, A.R., Hoza, B., Jacob, R.G., Jennings, J.R., Blumenthal, J. D., & Gnagy, E.M. (2002). Hope and optimism as human strengths in parents of children with externalizing disorders: Stress is in the eye of the beholder. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 21, 441-468.
- Fals-Stewart, W., Kashdan, T.B., O’Farrell, T.J., & Birchler, G.R. (2002). Behavioral couples therapy for male-drug abusing patients: Effects on partner violence. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 22, 87-96.
- Kashdan, T.B., & Fincham, F.D. (2002). Facilitating creativity by regulating curiosity. American Psychologist, 5, 373-374.