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In Press

  1. *Kashdan, T. B., *McKnight, P.E., Kelso, K., Craig, L., Guenoun, B., & Naughton, C. (in press). Multiple dimensions of workplace curiosity: Evidence of generalizability in nine countries. Personality and Individual Differences * – both are first-authors
  2. Ginat-Frolich, R., Gilboa-Schechtman, E., Huppert, J. D., Aderka, I. M., Alden, L. E., Bar-Haim, Y., Becker, E.S., Bernstein, A., Geva, R., Heimberg, R.G., Hofmann, S.G., Kashdan, T.B…. & Wieser, M. J. (in press). Vulnerabilities in social anxiety: Integrating intra-and interpersonal perspectives. Clinical Psychology Review, 102415.
  3. Kashdan, T. B., McKnight, P.E., & Kaufman, J. (in press). The costs of curiosity and creativity: Minimizing the downsides while maximizing the upsides. Behavioral and Brain Sciences
  4. Kaufman, J., Kashdan, T. B., & McKnight, P.E. (in press). Past glories feel good but creative minorities push us forward. Behavioral and Brain Sciences
  5. Kashdan, T.B., & Goodman (in press). A unified approach to managing emotions and pursuing purpose in life. Cognition and Emotion
  6. Lin, S., Ivcevic, Z., Kashdan, T.B., & Kaufman, S.D. (in press). Curious and persistent, but not consistent: Self-regulation traits and creativity. The Journal of Creative Behavior


  1. Kashdan, T. B., Goodman, F.R., McKnight, P.E., †Brown, B., & †Rum, R. (2024). Purpose in Life: A Resolution on the Definition, Conceptual Model, and Optimal Measurement. American Psychologist, 79, 838-853.
  2. Kashdan, T.B., Harrison, S.H., Polman, E., & Kark, R. (2024). Curiosity in organizations: Addressing adverse reactions, trade-offs, and multi-level dynamics. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 129, 104274.
  3. Kaczmarek, L.D., Enko, J., Behnke, M., & Kashdan, T.B. (2024). How curiosity enhances performance: Exploring the mechanisms of physiological engagement, challenge and threat appraisal, and novelty deprivation. Journal of Happiness Studies
  4. Iasiello, M., Ali, Kathina, van Agteren, J., Kyrios, M., Kashdan, T.B., & Fassnacht, D.B. (2024). What’s the difference between measures of wellbeing, quality of life, resilience, and coping? An umbrella review and concept map of 155 measures of positive mental health. International Journal of Well-Being


  1. Kashdan, T. B., & Goodman, F.R. (2023). A unified approach to managing emotions and pursuing purpose in life. Cognition and Emotion, 37, 371-377.
  2. Brockman, R., Ciarrochi, J., Parker, P., & Kashdan, T.B. (2023). Behaving versus thinking positively: When the benefits of cognitive reappraisal are contingent on satisfying basic psychological needs. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
  3. Goodman, F.R., Birg, J.A., Daniel, K.E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2023). Stress generation in social anxiety and depression: A two-study community assessment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 329, 285-292.


  1. Rottenberg, J., & Kashdan, T.B., (2022). Well-being after psychopathology: A transformational research agenda. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 31, 280-287.
  2. Devendorf, A.R., Rum, R.R., Kashdan, T.B., & Rottenberg, J. (2022). Optimal well-being after psychopathology: Prevalence and correlates. Clinical Psychological Science, 10, 981-996.
  3. Tong, B., Devendorf, A., Panaite, V., Miller, R., Kashdan, T. B., Joiner, T., … & Rottenberg, J. (2022). Future well-being among U.S. youth who attempted suicide and survived. Behavior Therapy, 53, 481-491.
  4. †Goodman, F. R., †Brown, B.A., †Silva, G., †Bradford, D., Tennen, H., & Kashdan, T.B. (2022). Motives and consequences of alcohol use in people with social anxiety disorder: A daily diary study. Behavior Therapy, 53, 600-613.
  5. †Doorley, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., Weppner, C., & Glass, C. (2022). The effects of self-compassion on daily emotion regulation and performance rebound among college athletes: Comparisons with confidence, grit, and hope. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 102081
  6. Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Behnke, M., Dziekan, M., Matuła, E., Kosakowski, M., Enko, J., Guzik, P. (2022). Positive emotions boost enthusiastic responsiveness to capitalization attempts. Dissecting self-report, physiology, and behavior. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 81-99.
  7. Kaczmarek, L. D., †Kelso, K., Behnke, M., Kashdan, T.B., Dziekan, M., Matuła, E., Kosakowski, M., Enko, J., & Guzik, P. (2022). Give and take: The role of reciprocity in capitalization. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17, 561-572.
  8. Panaite, V., Yoon, S., Devendorf, A.R., Kashdan, T.B., Goodman, F.R., & Rottenberg, J. (2022). Do positive events and emotions offset the difficulties of stressful life events? A daily diary investigation of depressed adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 186, 111379


  1. Kashdan, T.B., †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., & McKnight, P.E. (in press). The Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale Revised (5DCR): Briefer subscales while separating overt and covert social curiosity. Personality and Individual Differences
  2. Kashdan, T.B., †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., McKnight, P.E., †Kelso, K., & Naughton, C. (in press). Curiosity has comprehensive benefits in the workplace: Developing and validating a multidimensional workplace curiosity scale in United States and German employees. Personality and Individual Differences
  3. Kashdan, T.B., McKnight, P.E., & †Goodman, F.R. (2021). Evolving positive psychology: A blueprint of uncharted territory in the study of purpose in life, psychological strengths, and resilience. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17, 210-218.
  4. †Goodman, F.R., †Kelso, K., Wiernik, B., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Social comparisons and social anxiety in daily life: An experience-sampling approach. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 130, 468-489.
  5. Panaite, V., Devendorf, A.R., Kashdan, T.B., & Rottenberg, J. (2021). Daily life positive events predict well-being among depressed adults 10 years later. Clinical Psychological Science, 9, 222-235.
  6. †Brown, B.A., †Goodman, F. R., †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., Armeli, S., & Tennen, H. (2021). Does negative emotion differentiation influence how people choose to regulate their distress after stressful events? A 4-year daily diary study. Emotion, 21, 1000-1012.
  7. Tong, B., Kashdan, T.B., Rottenberg, J., & Joiner, T.E. (2021). Future well-being among United States youth who attempt suicide and survive: Research recommendations. Behavior Therapy, 52, 1213-1225.
  8. †Goodman, F. R., Kashdan, T. B., & †Imanogulu, A. (2021). Valuing emotional control in social anxiety disorder: A multi-method study of emotion beliefs and emotion regulation. Emotion, 21, 842-855.
  9. †Goodman, F. R., †Disabato, D.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Reflections on unspoken and potential solutions for the well-being juggernaut in positive psychology. Journal of Positive Psychology, 16, 831-837.
  10. †Goodman, F. R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). The most important life goals of people with and without social anxiety disorder: Focusing on emotional interference and uncovering meaning in life. Journal of Positive Psychology, 16, 272-281.
  11. Goodman, F. R., Rum, R., Silva, G. M., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Are people with social anxiety disorder happier alone? Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 84, 102474
  12. †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., †Doorley, J.D., †Kelso, K., †Volgenau, K.M., Devendorf, A., & Rottenberg, J. (2021). Optimal well-being in the aftermath of anxiety disorders. A 10-year longitudinal investigation. Journal of Affective Disorders, 291,110-117.
  13. †Doorley, J.D., †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., Weinstein, J.S., & Schackman, A.J. (2021). The momentary benefits of positive events for individuals with elevated social anxiety. Emotion, 21, 595-606.
  14. †Doorley, J.D., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Positive and negative emotion regulation in college athletes: Exploring the daily influence of savoring, acceptance, and cognitive Reappraisal. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 45, 598-613.
  15. Shah, P., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Kashdan, T.B., Harrison, K., Rosenblum, K., Weeks, H.M., Singh, P., & Kaciroti, N. (2021). Daily television exposure, parent conversation during shared television viewing and socioeconomic status: Associations with curiosity at kindergarten. PLOS ONE
  16. Biswas-Diener, R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2021). Three lessons from Ed Diener. International Journal of Wellbeing, 11(2), 73-76.


  1. Kashdan, T.B., †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., †Doorley, J.D., & McKnight, P.E. (2020). Understanding psychological flexibility: A multimethod exploration of pursuing valued goals despite the presence of distress. Psychological Assessment, 32, 829-850.
  2. †Doorley, J.D., †Goodman, F.R., †Kelso, K., & Kashdan, T.B. (2020). Psychological flexibility: What we know, what we don’t know, and what we think we know. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14, 1-11.
  3. Kashdan, T.B., McKnight. P.E., †Disabato, D.J., †Kelso, K., †Lauber, M., & †Goodman, F.R. (2020). Sexual assault: Exploring real-time consequences the next day and in subsequent days. International Journal of Wellbeing, 10, 1-19.
  4. †Kelso, K., Kashdan, T.B., †Imanogulu, A., & †Ashraf, A. (2020). Meaning in life buffers the impact of experiential avoidance on anxiety. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 16, 192-198.
  5. †Doorley, J.D., †Volgenau, K.M., †Kelso, K.C., Kashdan, T.B., & Shackman, A.J. (2020). Do people with elevated social anxiety respond differently to digital and face-to-face communications? Two daily diary studies with null effects. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 859-865.


  1. Rottenberg, J., Devendorf, A.R., Panaite, V., †Disabato, D., & Kashdan, T.B., (2019). Optimal well-being after major depression. Clinical Psychological Science, 7, 621-627.
  2. †Goodman, F.R., Kashdan, T.B., †Stiksma, M.C., & †Blalock, D.V. (2019). Personal strivings to understand anxiety disorders: Social anxiety as an exemplar. Clinical Psychological Science, 7 ,283-301.
  3. †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2019). Is grit relevant to well-being and strengths? Evidence across the globe for separating perseverance of effort and consistency of interests. Journal of Personality, 87, 194-211.
  4. Chopik, W.J., Newton, N.J., Ryan, L.H., Kashdan, T.B., & Jarden, A.J. (2019). Gratitude across the life span: Age differences and links to subjective well-being. Journal of Positive Psychology, 14, 292-302.
  5. †Doorley, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., †Alexander, L.A., †Blalock, D.V., & McKnight, P.E. (2019). Distress tolerance in romantic relationships: A daily diary exploration with methodological considerations. Motivation and Emotion, 43, 505-516.
  6. McKay, D., Abramowitz, J., Newman, M.G., Buckner, J.D., Elhai, J.D., Coles, M., Smits, J.A.J., Timpano, K.R., Kashdan, T.B., Badour, C.L., Cougle, J.R., Olatunji, B.O., & Comer, J.S. (2019). What mentors want in doctoral applicants to research intensive labs: Convergent and divergent perspectives. The Behavior Therapist, 42 268-273.
  7. Biswas-Diener, R., Kushlev, K., Diener, E., Su, R., †Goodman, F.R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2019). Hospitality. International Journal of Wellbeing268-273.


  1. Rottenberg, J., Devendorf, A.R., Kashdan, T.B., & †Disabato, D. (2018). The curious neglect of high functioning after psychopathology: The case of depression. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13, 549-566.
  2. Kashdan, T.B., †Stiksma, M.C.,†Disabato, D., McKnight, P.E., Bekier, J., Kaji, J., & Lazarus, R. (2018). The five-dimensional curiosity scale: Capturing the bandwidth of curiosity and identifying four unique subgroups of curious people. Journal of Research in Personality, 73, 130-149.  NOTE: download a copy of the measure in MSWord or as a PDF. But email me as we are improving this scale….
  3. Kashdan, T.B., †Goodman, F.R.,†Milius, C.R., †Stiksma, M., & McKnight, P. (2018). Sexuality leads to boosts in mood and meaning in life with no evidence for the reverse direction: A daily diary investigation. Emotion, 18, 563-576.
  4. Kashdan, T.B., †Blalock, D.V., †Young, K.C., †Machell, K.A., †Monfort, S.S., McKnight, P.E., & †Ferssizidis, P. (2018). Personality strengths in romantic relationships: Measuring perceptions of benefits and costs and their impact on personal and relational well-being. Psychological Assessment, 30, 241-258.
  5. Kashdan, T.B., †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., & Naughton, C. (2018). The five dimensions of curiosity. Harvard Business Review
  6. Kashdan, T.B. (2018). The mental benefits of vacationing somewhere new. Harvard Business Review
  7. †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., & Kaufman, S.B. (2018). Measuring well-being: A comparison of subjective well-being and PERMA. Journal of Positive Psychology, 13, 321-332.
  8. †Goodman, F.R., †Stiksman, M.C., & Kashdan, T.B. (2018). Social anxiety and the quality of everyday social interactions: The moderating effect of alcohol consumption. Behavior Therapy, 49, 373-387.
  9. †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2018). Integrating psychological strengths under the umbrella of personality science: An illustration of how positive psychology relates to psychopathology. Journal of Positive Psychology, 423-434.
  10. †Blalock, D., Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2018). High risk, high reward: Daily perceptions of social challenge and performance in social anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 54, 57-64.
  11. †Young, K., †Machell, K.A., Kashdan, T.B., & †Westwater, M.L. (2018). The cascade of positive events: Does exercise on a given day increase the frequency of additional positive events? Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 299-303.
  12. Kaczmarek, L.D., Behnke, M., Kashdan, T.B., Kusiak, A., Marzec, K., Mistrzak, M., & Wlodarczyk, M. (2018). Smile intensity in social networking profile photographs is related to greater scientific achievements. Journal of Positive Psychology, 13, 435-439.
  13. Blalock, D.V., McKnight, P.E., Kashdan, T.B., & †Franz, S.C. (2018). Predicting treatment course and outcome using a promotion and prevention framework in a community sample of arthritis sufferers. Patient Preference and Adherence, 12, 981-991.


  1. †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., & †Machell, K.A. (2017). Personality strengths as resilience: A one-year multi-wave study. Journal of Personality, 85, 423-434.
  2. Ciarrochi, J., Sahdra, B.K., Kashdan, T.B., Kiuru, N., & Conigrave, J. (2017). When empathy matters: The role of gender and empathy in close friendships. Journal of Personality, 85, 494-504.
  3. Jayawickreme, E., Tsukayama, E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Examining the within-person effect of affect on daily life satisfaction. Journal of Research in Personality, 71, 27-32.
  4. Jayawickreme, E., Tsukayama, E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Examining the effect of affect on life satisfaction judgments: A within-person perspective. Journal of Research in Personality, 68, 32-37.
  5. Drążkowski, D., Kaczmarek, L.D., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Gratitude pays: A weekly gratitude intervention influences monetary decisions, physiological responses, and emotional experiences during a trust-related social interaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 110, 148-153.
  6. Boden, M.T., Heinz, A.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Pleasure as an overlooked target of substance use disorder research and treatment. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 9, 113-125.
  7. Kashdan, T.B., †Doorley, J., †Stiksma, M., & Hertenstein, M. (2017). Discomfort and avoidance of touch: New insights on the emotional deficits of social anxiety. Cognition and Emotion, 8, 1638-1646.
  8. †Alexander, L.A., McKnight, P.E., †Disabato, D.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). When and how to use multiple informants to improve clinical assessments. Assessment, 39, 669-679.
  9. †Disabato, D.J., Kashdan, T.B., Short, J.L., & Jarden, A. (2017). What predicts positive life events that influence the course of depression? A longitudinal examination of gratitude and meaning in life. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 3, 444-458.
  10. †Campbell, S.B., Renshaw, K.D., Kashdan, T.B., Curby, T.W., & Carter, S.P. (2017). A daily diary study of posttraumatic stress symptoms and romantic partner accommodation. Behavior Therapy, 48, 222-234.
  11. Brockman, R., Ciarrochi, J., Parker, P., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Emotion regulation strategies in daily life: Mindfulness, cognitive reappraisal, and emotion suppression. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 46, 91-113.
  12. Riskind, J.H., Sica, C., Bottesi, G., Ghis, M., & Kashdan, T.B. (2017). Cognitive vulnerabilities in parents as a risk factor for anxiety symptomatology in young adult offspring: An exploration of looming maladaptive styles. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 54, 229-238.


  1. McKnight, P.E., †Monfort, S.S., Kashdan, T.B., †Blalock, D.V., & †Calton, J. (2016). Anxiety symptoms and functional impairment: A systematic review of the correlation between the two measures. Clinical Psychology Review, 45, 115-130.
  2. †Disabato, D.J., †Goodman, F.R., Kashdan, T.B., Short, J.L., & Jarden, A. (2016). Different types of well-being? A cross-cultural examination of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Psychological Assessment, 28, 471-482.
  3. Kashdan, T.B., †Goodman, F.R., †Mallard, T.T., & DeWall, C.N. (2016). What triggers anger in everyday life? Exploring links to the intensity, control, and regulation of these emotions, as well as personality traits. Journal of Personality, 84, 737-749.
  4. †Blalock, D.V., Kashdan, T.B., & †Farmer, A. S. (2016). Trait and daily emotion regulation in social anxiety disorder: Differential effects of positive and negative emotion regulation. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 40, 416-425.
  5. †Machell, K.A., †Disabato, D., & Kashdan, T.B. (2016). Buffering the negative impact of poverty of youth: The power of purpose in life. Social Indicators Research, 126, 845-861.
  6. †Machell, K.A., †Blalock, D.V., Kashdan, T.B., & Yuen, M. (2016). Academic achievement at the cost of ambition: The mixed results of a supportive, interactive environment on socially anxious teenagers. Personality and Individual Differences, 89, 166-171.
  7. †DiMauro, J., Renshaw, K.D., & Kashdan, T.B. (2016). Beliefs in negative mood regulation and daily negative affect in PTSD. Personality and Individual Differences, 95, 34-36.
  8. Van Dusen, J., Tiamiyu, M., Elhai, J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2016). Gratitude, depression and PTSD: Assessment of structural relationships. Psychiatry Research, 89, 867-870.


  1. Kashdan, T.B., Barrett, L.F., & McKnight, P.E. (2015). Unpacking emotion differentiation: Transforming unpleasant experience by perceiving distinctions in negativity. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24, 10-16.
  2. Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Companies value curiosity but stifle it anyway. Harvard Business Review
  3. Kashdan, T.B., Rottenberg, J., †Goodman, F.R., †Disabato, D.J., & Begovic, E. (2015). Lumping and splitting in the study of meaning in life: Thoughts on surfing, surgery, scents, and sermons. Psychological Inquiry, 26, 336-342.
  4. †Farmer, A., & Kashdan, T.B., (2015). Stress sensitivity and stress generation in social anxiety disorder: A temporal process approach. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 102-114.
  5. Sheldon, K.M., Jose, P.E., Kashdan, T.B., & Jarden, A. (2015). Personality, effective goal-striving, and enhanced well-being: Comparing 10 candidate personality strengths. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41, 575-585.
  6. †Machell, K.A., Kashdan, T.B., Short, J.L., & Nezlek, J.B. (2015). Relationships between meaning in life, social and achievement events, and positive and negative affect in daily life. Journal of Personality, 83, 287-298.
  7. †Machell, K.A., †Goodman, F.R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Experiential avoidance and well-being: A daily diary analysis. Cognition and Emotion, 29, 351-359.
  8. †Kleiman, E.M.,Kashdan, T.B., †Monfort, S.S., †Machell, K.A., & †Goodman, F.R. (2015). Perceived responsiveness during an initial social interaction with a stranger predicts a positive memory bias one week later. Cognition and Emotion, 29, 332-341.
  9. Ciarrochi, J., Heaven, P.C.L., & Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Hope and emotional well-being: A six-year study to distinguish antecedents, correlates, and consequences. Journal of Positive Psychology, 10, 520-532.
  10. †Afram, A., & Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Coping with rejection concerns in romantic relationships: An experimental investigation of social anxiety and risk regulation rigidity. Journal of Contextual and Behavioral Science, 4, 151-156.
  11. †Young, K.C., Kashdan, T.B., McKnight, P.E., †Blalock, D.V., Yuen, M., & †Richberg, J. (2015). Happy and unhappy adolescent bullies: Evidence for theoretically meaningful subgroups. Personality and Individual Differences, 75, 224-228.
  12. Kashdan, T.B., †Young, K.C., & †Machell, K.A. (2015). Positive emotion regulation: Addressing two myths. Current Opinion in Psychology, 3, 117-121.
  13. Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Drążkowski, D., Enko, J., Kosakowski, M., Szäefer, A., & Bujacz, A. (2015). Why do people prefer gratitude journaling over gratitude letters? The influence of individual differences in motivation and personality on web-based interventions. Personality and Individual Differences, 75, 1-6.
  14. Kashdan, T.B., †DiMauro, J., †Disabato, D., †Folk, J.B., †Carter, S., & †Goodman, F.R. (2015). Creating clinical psychology graduate courses that lead to peer reviewed publications: A case study. The Behavior Therapist [Download PDF here]
  15. †Goodman, F.R., & Kashdan, T.B. (2015). Behind the scenes of clinical research: Lessons from a mindfulness intervention with student-athletes.The Behavior Therapist, 38, 157-159.


  1. Kashdan, T.B., †Goodman, F.R., †Machell, K.A., †Kleiman, E.M., †Monfort, S.S., Ciarrochi, J., & Nezlek, J.B. (2014). A contextual approach to experiential avoidance and social anxiety: Evidence from an experimental interaction and daily interactions of people with social anxiety disorder. Emotion, 14, 769-781.
  1. *Kashdan, T.B., & *†Farmer, A. (2014). Differentiating emotions across contexts: Comparing adults with and without social anxiety disorder using random, social interaction, and daily experience sampling. Emotion, 14, 629-638. *- equal contribution
  1. *Kashdan, T.B., *DeWall, C.N., Masten, C.L., Pond, R.S., Jr., Powell, C., Combs, D., Schurtz, D.R., & *†Farmer, A. (2014). Who is most vulnerable to social rejection? The toxic combination of low self-esteem and lack of emotion differentiation on neural responses to rejection. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90651 *- equal contribution
  1. Kashdan, T.B.,†Adams, L., †Farmer, A., †Ferssizidis, P., McKnight, P.E., & Nezlek, J.B. (2014). Sexual healing: Daily diary investigation of the benefits of intimate and pleasurable sexual activity in socially anxious adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 1417-1429.
  2. †Farmer, A., & Kashdan, T.B., (2014). Affective and self-esteem instability in the daily lives of people with generalized social anxiety disorder. Clinical Psychological Science, 2, 187-201.
  3. Kashdan, T.B.,†Yarbro, J., McKnight, P.E., & Nezlek, J.B. (2014). Laughter with someone else leads to future social rewards: Temporal change using experience sampling methodology. Personality and Individual Differences, 58, 15-19.
  4. Kashdan, T.B., Dewall, C.N., Schurtz, D.R., Deckman, T., Lykins, E.L.B., Evans, D.R., McKenzie, J., Segerstrom, S.C., Gailliot, M.T., & Brown, K.W. (2014). More than words: Contemplating death enhances positive emotional word use. Personality and Individual Differences, 71, 171-175.
  5. †Goodman, F.R.,Kashdan, T.B., †Mallard, T.T., & Schumann, M. (2014). A Brief mindfulness and yoga intervention with an entire NCAA Division I Athletic Team: A pilot study. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1, 339-356.
  6. Huffman, J.C., DuBois, C.M., Healy, B.C., Boehm, J.K., Kashdan, T.B.,, Celano, C.M., Denninger, J.W., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2014). Feasibility and impact of positive psychology exercises for suicidal inpatients. General Hospital Psychiatry, 36, 88-94.
  7. †DiMauro, J., †Carter, S., †Folk, J.B., & Kashdan, T.B. (2014). A historical review of trauma-related diagnoses to reconsider the heterogeneity of PTSD. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28, 774-786.
  8. †Monfort, S.S., Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Drążkowski, D., Kosakowski, M., Guzik, P., Krauze, T., & Gracanin, A. (2014). Capitalizing on the success of romantic partners: A laboratory investigation on subjective, facial, and physiological emotional processing. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 149-153.
  9. Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Drążkowski, D., Połatyńska, K., Bujacz, A., & †Goodman, F.R. (2014). Why do greater curiosity and fewer depressive symptoms predict gratitude intervention use? Utility beliefs, social norm, and self-control beliefs. Personality and Individual Differences, 66, 165-170.
  10. Kaczmarek, L.D., †Goodman, F.R., Drążkowski, D., Kashdan, T.B., Połatyńska, K., & Komorek, J. (2014). Instructional support decreases desirability and initiation of a gratitude intervention. Personality and Individual Differences, 64, 89-93.
  11. †Young, K.C., Kashdan, T.B., & Macatee, R. (2014). Strength balance and implicit strength measurement: New considerations for research on strengths of character. Journal of Positive Psychology, 10, 17-24.
  12. †Blalock, D.V., †Calton, J.M., & Kashdan, T.B. (2014). Understanding post-traumatic growth by attending to contextual influences, and developing wise interventions to promote it. European Journal of Personality, 28, 333-334.
  13. Schueller, S.M., Parks, A.C.., & Kashdan, T.B. (2014). Synthesizing positive psychological interventions: Suggestions for conducting meta-analyses and how to interpret them. International Journal of Wellbeing, 4 (1)
  14. †Adams, L.M., Stuewig, J.B., Tangney, J.P., & Kashdan, T.B. (2014). Perceived susceptibility to AIDS predicts subsequent HIV risk: A longitudinal evaluation of jail inmates. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37, 511-523.


  1. Kashdan, T.B.,†Farmer, A., †Adams, L., †Ferssizidis, P., McKnight, P.E., & Nezlek, J.B. (2013). Distinguishing healthy adults from people with social anxiety disorder: Evidence for the value of experiential avoidance and positive emotions in everyday social interactions. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 645-655.
  1. Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2013). Commitment to a purpose in life: An antidote to the suffering by individuals with social anxiety disorder. Emotion, 13, 1150-1159.
  2. Kashdan, T.B.,†Ferssizidis, P., †Farmer, A., †Adams, L., & McKnight, P.E. (2013). Failure to capitalize on sharing good news with romantic partners: Exploring positivity deficits of socially anxious people with self-reports, partner-reports, and behavioral observations. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51, 656-668.
  3. Kashdan, T.B.,†Adams, L., †Kleiman, E., Pelham, W.E. & Lang, A.R. (2013). Stress-induced drinking in parents of boys with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder: Heterogeneous groups in an experimental study of adult-child interactions. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41, 919-927.
  4. Kashdan, T.B., Sherman, R.A., †Yarbro, J., & Funder, D.C. (2013). How are curious people viewed and how do they behave in social situations? From the perspectives of self, friends, parents, and unacquainted observers. Journal of Personality, 81, 142-154.

Supplemental Table 1: College Informant Rated Correlates of Curiosity

Supplemental Table 2: Behavioral Correlates of Curiosity by Multiple Informants

Supplemental Table 3: Self Rated Correlates of Curiosity

Supplemental Table 4: Two Experts Predicted Behavioral Correlates of Curiosity

  1. Kashdan, T.B., Dewall, C.N., Pond, R.S., Silvia, P.J., Lambert, N.M., Fincham, F.D., †Savostyanova, A.A., & Keller, P.S. (2013). Curiosity protects against interpersonal aggression: Cross-sectional, daily process, and behavioral evidence. Journal of Personality, 81, 87-102.
  2. †Kleiman, E.M., †Adams, L.M., Kashdan, T.B., & Riskind, J.H. (2013). Grit and gratitude indirectly reduce risk of suicidal ideations by enhancing meaning in life: Evidence for a mediated moderation model. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 539-546.
  3. Steger, M.F., & Kashdan, T.B. (2013). The unbearable lightness of meaning: Well-being and unstable meaning in life. Journal of Positive Psychology, 8, 103-115.
  4. *Kaczmarek, L.D.,*Kashdan, T.B.,†Kleiman, E.M., Mickiewicz, A., Baczkowski, B., Enko, J., Sievers, A., Szaefer, A., Krol, M., & Baran, B. (2013). Who self-initiates gratitude interventions in daily life? An examination of intentions, curiosity, and unhappiness. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 805-810. *- equal contribution
  5. †Kleiman, E.M., †Adams, L.M., Kashdan, T.B., & Riskind, J.H. (2013). Grateful individuals are not suicidal: Buffering the risk of hopelessness and depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 595-599.
  6. †Yarbro, J., Mahaffey, B., Abramowitz, J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2013). Recollections of parent-child relationships, attachment insecurity, and obsessive-compulsive beliefs. Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 355-360.


  1. Kashdan, T.B., & Nezlek, J.B. (2012). Whether, when, and how is spirituality related to well-being? Moving beyond single occasion questionnaires to understanding daily process. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1526-1538.
  2. Pond, R.S., Jr., Kashdan, T.B., DeWall, C.N., †Savostyanova, A.A. Lambert, N.M., & Fincham, F.D. (2012). Emotion differentiation buffers aggressive behavior in angered people: A daily diary analysis. Emotion, 12, 326-337.
  3. Kashdan, T.B., †Young, K.C. & McKnight, P.E. (2012). When is rumination an adaptive mood repair strategy? Day-to-day rhythms of life in combat veterans with and without posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 762-768.
  4. DeWall, C.N., Lambert, N.M., Pond, R.S., Jr., Kashdan, T.B., & Fincham, F.D. (2012). A grateful heart is a non-violent heart: Cross-sectional, experience sampling, longitudinal, and experimental evidence. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3, 232-240.
  5. Kashdan, T.B., †Adams, L., Read, J., & Hawk, L.W., Jr. (2012). Can a one-hour session of exposure treatment modulate startle response and reduce spider fears? Psychiatry Research, 196, 79-82.
  6. Boden, M.T., Bonn-Miller, M.O., Kashdan, T.B., Alvarez, J., & Gross, J.J. (2012). The interactive effects of emotional clarity and cognitive reappraisal in posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 233-238.
  7. Kashdan, T.B. (2012). Reconsidering the neuroevolutionary framework of the SEEKING System: Emphasizing context instead of positivity. Neuropsychoanalysis, 14, 46-50.
  8. †Farmer, A.S., & Kashdan, T.B. (2012). Social anxiety and emotion regulation in daily life: Spillover effects on positive and negative social events. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 41, 152-162. [Special Issue on Positivity Deficits in Social Anxiety Disorder]
  9. Dubois, C.M., Nyer, M.B., Kashdan, T.B., Beach, S.R., Park, E.R., Celano, C.M., & Huffman, J.C. (2012). Positive psychological attributes and cardiac outcomes: Associations, mechanisms, and interventions. Psychosomatics, 53, 303-318


  1. Kashdan, T.B., Weeks, J.W., & †Savostyanova, A.A. (2011). Whether, how, and when social anxiety shapes positive experiences and events: A self-regulatory framework and treatment implications. Clinical Psychology Review, 31, 786-799.
  2. Kashdan, T.B., McKnight, P.E., Fincham, F.D., & Rose, P. (2011). When curiosity breeds intimacy: Taking advantage of intimacy opportunities and transforming boring conversations. Journal of Personality, 79, 1369-1401.
  3. Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2011). Dynamic, contextual approaches to studying personality in the social world. Journal of Personality, 79, 1177-1190.
  4. Kashdan, T.B., †Adams, L., †Savostyanova, A.A., †Ferssizidis, P., McKnight, P.E., & Nezlek, J.B. (2011). Effects of social anxiety and depressive symptoms on the frequency and quality of sexual activity: A daily process approach. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 352-360.
  5. Biswas-Diener, R., Kashdan, T.B., & Minhas, G. (2011). A dynamic approach to psychological strength development and intervention. Journal of Positive Psychology, 6, 106-118.
  6. Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2011). Comorbid social anxiety disorder in clients with depressive disorders: Predicting changes in depressive symptoms, therapeutic relationships, and focus of attention in group treatment. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 875-884.
  7. *Kashdan, T.B., & †*Savostyanova, A.A. (2011). Capturing the biases of socially anxious people by addressing partner effects and situational parameters. Behavior Therapy, 42, 211-223. *- equal contribution
  1. Kashdan, T.B., †Afram, A., Brown, K.W., †Birnbeck, M., & †Drvoshanov, M. (2011). Curiosity enhances the role of mindfulness in reducing defensive responses to existential threat. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 1227-1232.
  2. *Kashdan, T.B., *†Kane, J.Q., & Kecmanovic, J. (2011). Post-traumatic distress and the presence of post-traumatic growth and meaning in life: Experiential avoidance as a moderator. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 84-89. *- equal contribution
  1. †Breen, W.E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2011). Anger suppression after imagined rejection among individuals with social anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 879-887.
  2. Wood, A.M., Linley, P.A., Maltby, J., Kashdan, T.B., & Hurling, R. (2011). Using psychological strengths leads to less stress and greater self-esteem, vitality, and positive affect: Longitudinal examination of the strengths use questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 15-19.
  3. Ciarrochi, J., Kashdan, T.B., Leeson, P., Heaven, P., & Jordon, C. (2011). On being aware and accepting: A one-year longitudinal study into adolescent well-being. Journal of Adolescence, 34, 695-703.
  4. Haigh, E.A.P., Moore, M.T., Kashdan, T.B., & Fresco, D.M. (2011). Examination of the factor structure and concurrent validity of the Langer Mindfulness/Mindlessness Scale. Assessment, 18, 11-26.


  1. Kashdan, T.B., †Ferssizidis, P., Collins, R.L., & Muraven, M. (2010). Emotion differentiation as resilience against excessive alcohol use: An ecological momentary assessment in underage social drinkers. Psychological Science, 21, 1341-1347.
  2. Niemiec, C.P., Brown, K.W., Kashdan, T.B., Cozzolino, P.J., †Breen, W., Levesque, C., & Ryan, R.M. (2010). Being present in the face of existential threat: The role of trait mindfulness in reducing defensive responses to mortality salience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99, 344-365.
  3. Kashdan, T.B., & Rottenberg, J. (2010). Psychological flexibility as a fundamental aspect of health. Clinical Psychology Review, 30, 865-878.
  4. Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2010). The darker side of social anxiety: When aggressive impulsivity prevails over shy inhibition. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 47-50.
  5. Kashdan, T.B., †Breen, W.E., & Julian, T. (2010). Everyday strivings in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: Problems arise when avoidance and emotion regulation dominate. Behavior Therapy, 41, 350-363.
  6. Kashdan, T.B., †Breen, W.E., †Terhar, D., & †Afram, A. (2010). Experiential avoidance in idiographic, autobiographical memories: Construct validity and links to social anxiety, depressive, and anger symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24, 528-534.
  7. Kashdan, T.B., & Collins, R.L. (2010). Social anxiety and the experience of positive emotions and anger in everyday life: An ecological momentary assessment approach. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 23, 259-272. [Special Issue: Advances in the Research on Social Anxiety and its Disorder]
  8. Brdr, I., & Kashdan, T.B. (2010). Character strengths and well-being in Croatia: An empirical investigation of structure and correlates. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 151-154.
  1. *Hofmann, S.G., & *Kashdan, T.B. (2010). The Affective Style Questionnaire: Development and psychometric properties. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 32, 255-263. *- equal contribution

Translations: German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Serbian, Hindi, and Turkish

  1. †Breen, W.E., Kashdan, T.B., †Lenser, M.L., & Fincham, F.D. (2010). Gratitude and forgiveness: Convergence and divergence on self-report and informant ratings. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 932-937.
  2. †Ferssizidis, P., †Adams, L., Kashdan, T.B., †Plummer, C., †Mishra, A., & Ciarrochi, J. (2010). Motivation for and commitment to social values: The roles of age and gender. Motivation and Emotion, 34, 354-362.
  3. Froh, J. J., Kashdan, T.B., Yurkewicz, C., Fan, J., Glowacki, J., & Allen, J. (2010). The benefits of passion and absorption in activities: Engaged living in adolescents and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Positive Psychology, 5, 311-332.
  4. McKnight, P.E., Afram, A., Kashdan, T.B., Kasle, S., & Zautra, A. (2010). Coping self-efficacy as a mediator between catastrophizing and physical functioning: Treatment target selection in an osteoarthritis sample. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 33, 239-249.


  1. *Kashdan, T.B., *McKnight, P.E., Richey, J.A., & Hofmann, S.G. (2009). When social anxiety disorder co-exists with risk-prone, approach behavior: Investigating a neglected, meaningful subset of people in the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47, 559-568.  *- equal contribution
  1. Kashdan, T.B., †Mishra, A., †Breen, W.E., & Froh, J.J. (2009). Gender differences in gratitude: Examining appraisals, narratives, the willingness to express emotions, and changes in psychological needs. Journal of Personality, 77, 691-730.
  2. *McKnight, P.E., & *Kashdan, T.B. (2009). Purpose in life as a system that creates and sustains health and well-being: An integrative, testable theory. Review of General Psychology, 13, 242-251. *- equal contribution
  1. *Kashdan, T.B., & *McKnight, P.E. (2009). Origins of purpose in life: Refining our understanding of a life well lived. Psychological Topics, 18, 303-316. [Special Issue on Positive Psychology] *- equal contribution
  1. McKnight, P.E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2009). The importance of functional impairment to mental health outcomes: A case for reassessing our goals in depression treatment research. Clinical Psychology Review, 29, 243-259.
  2. Silvia, P.J., & Kashdan, T.B. (2009). Interesting things and curious people: Exploration and engagement as transient states and enduring strengths. Social Psychology and Personality Compass, 3, 785-797.
  3. Kashdan, T.B., Gallagher, M.W., Silvia, P.J., Winterstein, B.P., †Breen, W.E., †Terhar, D., & Steger, M.F. (2009). The Curiosity and Exploration Inventory-II: Development, factor structure, and initial psychometrics. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 987-998.

Translations: Spanish, Chinese, Italian, German, Russian, French, Norwegian, Portuguese, Finnish, Persian, Turkish, Dutch, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, and more!

  1. Steger, M.F., & Kashdan, T.B. (2009). Depression and everyday social activity, belonging, and well-being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56, 289-300.
  2. *Biswas-Diener, R., *Kashdan, T.B., & King, L.A. (2009). Two traditions of happiness research, not two distinct types of happiness. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 208-211. *- equal contribution
  1. Kashdan, T.B., Morina, N., & Priebe, S. (2009). Post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, and depression in survivors of the Kosovo War: Experiential avoidance as a contributor to distress and quality of life. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, 185-196.
  2. Hofmann, S.G., Richey, J.A., Kashdan, T.B., & McKnight, P.E. (2009). Anxiety disorders moderate the association between externalizing problems and substance use disorders: Data from the National Comorbidity Survey-Revised. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, 529-534.
  3. Steger, M.F., Oishi, S., & Kashdan, T.B. (2009). Meaning in life across the life span: Levels and correlates of meaning in life from adolescence to older adulthood. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 43-52.
  4. Froh, J.J., Kashdan, T.B., Ozimkowski, K.M., & Miller, N. (2009). Who benefits the most from a gratitude intervention in children and adolescents? Examining positive affect as a moderator. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 408-422.
  5. Froh, J.J., Kashdan, T.B., & Yurkewicz, C. (2009). Gratitude and subjective well-being in early adolescence: Examining mechanisms and gender differences. Journal of Adolescence, 32, 633-650.


  1. *Kashdan, T.B., *Biswas-Diener, R., & King, L.A. (2008). Reconsidering happiness: The costs of distinguishing between hedonics and eudaimonia. Journal of Positive Psychology, 3, 219-233. *- equal contribution
  1. Kashdan, T.B., Elhai, J.D., & †Breen, W.E. (2008). Social anxiety and disinhibition: An analysis of curiosity and social rank appraisals, approach-avoidance conflicts, and disruptive risk-taking behavior. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 925-939.
  2. Kashdan, T.B. & Hofmann, M.F. (2008). The high novelty seeking, impulsive subtype of generalized social anxiety disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 25, 535-541.
  3. Kashdan, T.B., & †Breen, W.E. (2008). Social anxiety and positive emotions: A prospective examination of a self-regulatory model with tendencies to suppress or express emotions as a moderating variable. Behavior Therapy, 39, 1-12.
  4. Kashdan, T.B., Zvolensky, M.J., & McLeish, A.C. (2008). Anxiety sensitivity and affect regulatory strategies: Individual and interactive risk factors for anxiety-related symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 429-440.
  5. Steger, M.F., Kashdan, T.B., Sullivan, B.A., & Lorentz, D. (2008). Understanding the search for meaning in life: Personality, cognitive style, and the dynamic between seeking and experiencing meaning. Journal of Personality, 76, 199-228.
  6. Steger, M.F., Kashdan, T.B., & Oishi, S. (2008). Being good by doing good: Daily eudaimonic activity and well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 22-42.
  7. Elhai, J.D., Grubaugh, A.L., Kashdan, T.B., & Frueh, B.C. (2008). Empirical examination of a proposed refinement to posttraumatic stress disorder’s symptom criteria using the National Comorbidity Survey Replication data. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 69, 597-602.
  8. Naifeh, J.A., Elhai, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., & Grubaugh, A.L. (2008). Posttraumatic stress disorder’s latent structure: An examination of trauma-exposed medical patients using the posttraumatic stress disorder symptom scale. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 1355-1368.
  9. Collins, R. L. Kashdan, T.B., Koutsky, J. R., Morsheimer, E. T., & Vetter, C. J. (2008). A self-administered timeline followback to measure variations in underage drinkers’ alcohol intake and binge drinking. Addictive Behaviors, 33, 196-200.
  10. Almeida, L., Kashdan, T.B., Coelho, R., Albino-Teixeira, A., & Soares-da-Silva, P. (2008). Who volunteers for phase I clinical trial studies? Influences of anxiety, social anxiety and depressive symptoms on self-selection and reporting of adverse events. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 64, 575-582.
  11. Almeida, L., Kashdan, T.B., Coelho, R., Albino-Teixeira, A., & Soares-da-Silva, P. (2008). Healthy subjects volunteering for phase I studies: Influence of curiosity, exploratory tendencies and perceived self-efficacy. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 46, 109-118.


  1. Kashdan, T.B. (2007). Social anxiety spectrum and diminished positive experiences: Theoretical synthesis and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 27, 348-365.
  2. Kashdan, T.B. & Steger, M.F. (2007). Curiosity and pathways to well-being and meaning in life: Traits, states, and everyday behaviors. Motivation and Emotion, 31, 159-173.
  3. Kashdan, T.B. (2007). New perspectives on social anxiety: Addressing the positive spectrum of human functioning. Anxiety Disorders: A Quarterly Report, 4, 1-5.
  4. Kashdan, T.B. (2007). New developments in emotion regulation with an emphasis on the positive spectrum of human functioning. Journal of Happiness Studies, 8, 303-310. (Special Issue on Emotion Regulation)
  5. Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2007). Social anxiety, depressive symptoms, and post-event rumination: Affective consequences and social contextual influences. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 21, 284-301.
  6. Kashdan, T.B., †Volkmann, J., †Breen, W.E., & †Han, S. (2007). Social anxiety and emotion regulation in romantic relationships: The costs and benefits of negative emotion expression are context-dependent. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 21, 475-492.
  7. Kashdan, T.B. & Yuen, M. (2007). Whether highly curious students thrive academically depends on the learning environment of their school: A study of Hong Kong adolescents. Motivation and Emotion, 31, 260-270.
  8. Kashdan, T.B., & †Breen, W.E. (2007). Materialism and diminished well-being: Experiential avoidance as a mediating mechanism. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26, 521-539.
  9. Kashdan, T.B., Elhai, J.D., & Frueh, B.C. (2007). Anhedonia, emotional numbing, and symptom overreporting in male veterans with PTSD. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 725-735.
  10. Bottonari, K.A., Roberts, J.E., Kelly, M.A.R., Kashdan, T.B., & Ciesla, J.A.. (2007). A prospective investigation of the impact of attachment style on stress generation among clinically depressed individuals. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45, 179-188.
  11. Steger, M.F., Hicks, B., Kashdan, T.B., Krueger, R.F., Bouchard, T.J., Jr. (2007). Genetic and environmental influences on the positive traits of the Values in Action classification, and biometric covariance with normal personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 524-539.
  12. Elhai, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., Snyder, J.J., North, T.C., Heaney, C.J., & Frueh, B.C. (2007). Symptom severity and lifetime and prospective health service use among military veterans evaluated for PTSD. Depression and Anxiety, 24, 178-184.
  13. Steger, M.F., & Kashdan, T.B. (2007). Stability and specificity of meaning in life and life satisfaction over one year. Journal of Happiness Studies, 8, 161-179.
  14. Elhai, J.D., Gray, M.J., Docherty, A. R., Kashdan, T.B., & Kose, S. (2007). Structural validity of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist among college students with a trauma history. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 22, 1471-1478.


  1. Kashdan, T.B., & Steger, M. (2006). Expanding the topography of social anxiety: An experience sampling assessment of positive emotions and events, and emotion suppression. Psychological Science, 17, 120-128.
  2. Kashdan, T.B., Barrios, V., Forsyth, J.P., & Steger, M.F. (2006). Experiential avoidance as a generalized psychological vulnerability: Comparisons with coping and emotion regulation strategies. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 9, 1301-1320.
  3. Kashdan, T.B., Julian, T., †Merritt , K., & Uswatte, G. (2006). Social anxiety and posttraumatic stress in combat veterans: Relations to well-being and character strengths. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 561-583.
  4. Kashdan, T.B., Uswatte, G., Steger, M.F., & Julian, T. (2006). Fragile self-esteem and affective instability in posttraumatic stress disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 1609-1619.
  5. Kashdan, T.B., Frueh, B.C., Knapp, R., Hebert, R., & Magruder, K. (2006). Social anxiety disorder in veterans affairs primary care clinics. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 233-247.
  6. Kashdan, T.B., Elhai, J.D., & Frueh, B.C. (2006). Anhedonia and emotional numbing in combat veterans with PTSD. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 457-467.
  7. Kashdan, T.B., Uswatte, G., & Julian, T. (2006). Gratitude and hedonic and eudaimonic well-being in Vietnam War veterans. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 177-199.
  8. Kashdan, T.B., Collins, R.L., & Elhai, J.D. (2006). Social anxiety, positive outcome expectancies, and risk-taking behavioral intentions. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 30, 749-761.
  9. Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2006). Affective outcomes and cognitive processes in superficial and intimate interactions: Roles of social anxiety and curiosity. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 140-167.
  10. Roberts, J.E., Carlos, E.L., & Kashdan, T.B. (2006). The impact of depressive symptoms, self-esteem and neuroticism on trajectories of overgeneral autobiographical memory over repeated trials. Cognition and Emotion, 20, 383-401.
  11. Bagwell, C.L., Molina, B.S.G., Kashdan, T.B., Pelham, W.E., & Hoza, B. (2006). Anxiety and mood disorders in adolescents with childhood Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 14, 178-187.
  12. Aron, A., Steele, J., Kashdan, T.B., & Perez, M. (2006). When similars do not attract: Tests of a prediction from the self-expansion model. Personal Relationships, 13, 387-396.
  13. Elhai, J.D., Jacobs, G.A., Kashdan, T.B., DeJong, G.L., Meyer, D.L., & Frueh, B.C. (2006). Mental health service use among American Red Cross disaster workers responding to the September 11, 2001 U.S. terrorist attacks. Psychiatry Research, 143, 29-34.


  1. Kashdan, T.B., & Wenzel, A. (2005). A transactional approach to social anxiety and the genesis of interpersonal closeness: Self, partner, and social context. Behavior Therapy, 36, 335-346.
  2. Elhai, J. D., Gray, M. J., Kashdan, T.B., & Franklin, C.L. (2005). Which instruments are most commonly used to assess traumatic event exposure and posttraumatic effects?: A survey of traumatic stress professionals. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18, 541-545.
  3. Elhai, J.D., Kashdan, T.B., & Frueh, B.C. (2005). What is a traumatic event? British Journal of Psychiatry, 187, 189-190.
  4. Frueh, B.C., Elhai, J.D., Grubaugh, A.L., Monnier, J., Kashdan, T.B., Sauvageot, J.A., Hamner, M.B., Burkett, B.G., & Arana, G.W. (2005). Documented combat exposure of veterans seeking treatment for combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, 186, 467-472.
  5. Kashdan, T.B., Vetter, C., & Collins, R.L. (2005). Substance use in young adults: Associations with personality and gender. Addictive Behaviors, 30, 259-269.


  1. Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2004). Trait and state curiosity in the genesis of intimacy: Differentiation from related constructs. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 23, 792-816.
  2. Kashdan, T.B., & Roberts, J.E. (2004). Social anxiety’s impact on affect, curiosity, and social self-efficacy during a high self-focus social threat situation. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 28, 119-141.
  3. Kashdan, T.B. (2004). The neglected relationship between social interaction anxiety and hedonic deficits: Differentiation from depressive symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 18, 719-730.
  4. Kashdan, T.B., Rose, P., & Fincham, F.D. (2004). Curiosity and exploration: Facilitating positive subjective experiences and personal growth opportunities. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82, 291-305.
  5. Kashdan, T.B. (2004). The assessment of subjective well-being (issues raised by the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire). Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 1225-1232.
  6. Kashdan, T.B., Jacob, R.G., Pelham, W.E., Lang, A.R., Hoza, B., Blumenthal, J. D., & Gnagy, E.M. (2004). Depression and anxiety in parents of children with ADHD and varying levels of oppositional-defiant behaviors: Modeling relationships with family functioning. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 33, 169-181.
  7. Kashdan, T.B., & Steger, M.F. (2004). Approaching psychological science with Kuhn’s eyes. American Psychologist, 59, 272-273.


  1. Collins, R.L., Kashdan, T.B., & Gollnisch, G. (2003). The feasibility of using cellular phones to collect ecological momentary assessment data: Application to alcohol consumption. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 11, 73-78.
  2. Fals-Stewart, W., Birchler, G.R., Hoebbel, C., Kashdan, T.B., Golden, J., & Parks, K. (2003). An examination of indirect risk of exposure to HIV among wives of substance-abusing men. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 70, 65-76.


  1. Kashdan, T.B. (2002). Social anxiety dimensions, neuroticism, and the contours of positive psychological functioning. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 26, 789-810.
  2. Kashdan, T.B., Pelham, W.E., Lang, A.R., Hoza, B., Jacob, R.G., Jennings, J.R., Blumenthal, J. D., & Gnagy, E.M. (2002). Hope and optimism as human strengths in parents of children with externalizing disorders: Stress is in the eye of the beholder. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 21, 441-468.
  3. Fals-Stewart, W., Kashdan, T.B., O’Farrell, T.J., & Birchler, G.R. (2002). Behavioral couples therapy for male-drug abusing patients: Effects on partner violence. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 22, 87-96.
  4. Kashdan, T.B., & Fincham, F.D. (2002). Facilitating creativity by regulating curiosity. American Psychologist, 5, 373-374.


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